Aidan dedicated the first playoff game against the Rams to this special guy, Connor. He is a shining star. Before Lions games, he makes predictions about how many sacks Aidan will get… he’s even predicted Aidan will get a touchdown! During a press conference, Aidan said Conner is his good luck charm.
Conner's story:
Conner has been an inspiration to our whole family and everyone around him. Conner was born at just 25 weeks, weighed 1lb 9oz and ended up being in the NICU for the first 229 days of his life. Just a month after being born Conner developed Necrotizing Enterocolitis which is a disease that can kill off your intestinal tract. During this time Conner consistently fought for his life. Being a micro preemie and so small the odds were against him. After 3 surgeries Conner had lost more than half of his intestines and fought and won against all odds. Due to all the complications Conner had with his surgeries he developed some brain damage along the way. Then came the Cerebral Palsy diagnosis and developmental delay diagnosis, which was absolutely devastating.
Since his diagnosis Conner has gone through several other surgeries from complications of Cerebral Palsy which also led to long hospital stays. Through all this Conner has always had a smile on his face. Conner is one of the happiest kids you will ever meet. Regardless of his special needs Conner will brighten your day with just his smile. We have been told countless times on how his smile helps get people through a rough day.
Conner doesn’t let Cerebral Palsy stop him, he is a HUGE Detroit sports fan. So much of a sports fan that he wanted to play a sport. Through Gods good graces we found an adaptable sport called sled hockey and have made some amazing connections along the way. Hockey might be his sport he can play but he doesn’t miss watching a Lions game to cheer on his favorite player, HUTCH!